Au Cœur des Grottes
Au Cœur des Grottes
Rue de l'Industrie 14
1201 Genf
Telephone : 022 338 24 80
Availability by phone: 8:30 am - noon

Women's shelters offer protection, accommodation, counselling and accompaniment to women of full age and their children in cases of physical, psychological and/or sexualised violence.
Women's shelters also support underage girls and young women who are affected by domestic violence to find suitable accommodation without their parents.
Children who enter a women's shelter with their mothers are also taken seriously. They are advised and supported like their mothers.
The staff of the women's shelters are bound by professional secrecy. They provide confidential counselling and, if necessary, use interpreters for communication.
Yes. The Swiss Civil Code stipulates that in the event of domestic violence you have the right and obligation to move your children to a safe place and to separate them temporarily from the other parent.
Yes, you can go to a women’s shelter even if you do not have any money or financial resources. Cantonal victim support services generally cover the costs of your first stay at a women’s shelter. No criminal charges have to be filed. The women’s shelter staff will also provide you with the support you need if your stay at the women’s shelter is longer.
If possible, take along the most necessary clothing and medications for yourself and your children. Other important items include personal documents, such as passports/residence permits, bank and health insurance cards, your children’s vaccination records and favourite toys, and marriage and birth certificates.
The staff of the women's shelter will support you in planning the steps to be taken after your stay at the shelter. This happens regardless of which future solution you choose for yourself (separation, return to the shared flat, etc.).