
DAO provides news about its activities.


June 2024:

Women's shelters at the limit: The DAO calls for rapid action by the authorities.

Due to the current high occupancy rate, the DAO sees an urgent need for action to create further adequate protective facilities for women and their children affected by violence.


May 2024:

The DAO stresses the need to fund additional protected places throughout Switzerland.

In view of the ever-increasing number of women and children who have to flee domestic violence, the DAO is calling for more funding and the creation of additional protection places.


November 2023:

Media release: Making psychological violence visible!

Gender-based violence is all too often trivialized and tabooed. Psychological violence in particular remains invisible. The DAO welcomes this year's focus of the 16 Days Against Violence campaign.


May 2022:

Media release on the publication of the Annual Report 2022

In its media release on the capacity bottlenecks in women's shelters, the DAO pleads for sufficient sustainably financed shelter places in women's shelters and for professional care.


May 2022:

Interim report of the DAO on the Roadmap on Domestic Violence of the Confederation and the Cantons

Based on a survey among women's shelters, the DAO presents demands in various areas in its interim report on the Roadmap on Domestic Violence by the Confederation and the cantons.

Kampagnensujet der DAO-Kampagne, Tascheninhalte von Frauen, die ins Frauenhaus flüchteten

December 2022:

Sotomo study on the DAO's publicity campaign

The report commissioned by the DAO on its 2021 campaign against violence evaluates how the campaign was received and assessed by the Swiss population and experts. 


September 2022:

DAO argumentation " For adequate funding of counselling, care and accompaniment of children in women's shelters "

In its argumentation, the DAO pleads for comprehensive support for children affected by violence in women's shelters. This also includes adequate public funding for child-related services.

Kampagnensujet der DAO-Kampagne, Tascheninhalte von Frauen, die ins Frauenhaus flüchteten

November/December 2021:

DAO campaign against gender and domestic violence

DAO launched its nationwide campaign against gender and domestic violence on 8 November 2021. Over a one-month period, XXL posters at railway stations, posters in public transport and social media posts were used to boost public awareness of both the subject and the services offered by women’s shelters.

Sotomo Study Violence in Couple Relationships in Switzerland

November 2021:

Sotomo study on ‘Violence in Couple Relationships in Switzerland’

The study commissioned by DAO suggests that violence in couple relationships is widespread in Switzerland and that the problem is also gender-specific. The study also clearly shows that a majority of those surveyed are in favour of using public sector funds to finance prevention and awareness measures. 

Demand of the DAO regarding Article 23 of the Istanbul Convention: Domestic violence does not end with separation. Therefore, there must be enough places in women's shelters and sufficient funding for women's shelters.

July 2021:

DAO in-depth report on Art. 23 of the Istanbul Convention

By signing the Istanbul Convention, Switzerland made a commitment to offering a sufficient number of suitable, easily accessible shelters. However, DAO’s in-depth report on the topic of shelters, which forms part of the Istanbul Convention network’s shadow report, concludes that action still has to be taken in several areas.


July 2020:

DAO report on ‘Child Welfare and Child Protection in Women’s Shelters’

The professional setting found at women’s shelters is important for children affected by violence. In practice, however, the various women’s shelters differ not only in terms of the services they offer, but also the financial and personnel resources they have available to help children. The report closes with five recommendations for action for the attention of specialist groups and political decision makers.